Passing the Baton: Circus Tricks & Youth Music!

Photo: Passing the Baton:  Circus Tricks & Youth Music!

“Welcome to the Circus –
it’s Fun & Sparkly Bright!!”

Passing the Baton*: DIY’s Youth Arts Programme will be working with circus artists & professional musicians in 2020!

Thanks to funding from Salford CVS Youth Wellbeing Fund, we have been developing our Circus Skills!! In November 2019 we visited The Lowry to watch Circus 1903!  Since then we have been working with two professional circus artists to create our own characters. From Strong-Men to Tigers, and Acrobats to Jugglers we have been working on a range of exciting circus characters and scenes!

Junk Percussion!

Now, thanks to additional funding from Youth Music, we will be working with professional musicians to create a live and interactive sound scape for our ‘Circus Tricks’ project. During the Spring Term we will be working with musicians and developing our skills in Junk Percussion and Electronic Music.

We will also be working closely with musician Sarah Atter to help create ‘Circus Tricks!’; a performance that will tour to schools and youth settings in Autumn 2020!  Watch this space to find out more!

Photo: learning about Junk Percussion!



Photo: Adam shows off his Circus Skills


DIY Theatre Company would like to thank the following organisations for their support for this work

Logos of our funders, The National Lottery Community Fund, Youth Music, and of the National Lottery via Arts Council England, Salford CVS and NHS Salford CCG, Arts Award, and partner You Can.

*Passing the Baton was DIY’s dedicated youth arts programme that worked with children and young people with learning disabilities from 2019-22. It was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Click to see the report:

Cover image of the Evaluation of DIY's Passing the Baton Programme

DIY Theatre continues to work with children and young people with a learning disability. Learning from the Passing the Baton Project has been fed into other work such as Gamechangers and Leading Edge. Have a look around this website to see what we are currently offering or email us at