DIY Activities and Coronavirus

DIY’s activities have all been cancelled for the time-being.
This is because of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Update 17 March 2020
Advice from the Government is that we should stay home as much as possible and stay away from large groups. Because of this DIY will be stopping all of our usual activities and our Sharing Events planned for later this month.
We can still get creative at home!
No Group Activities will be taking place – but DIY staff will be working from home.
We will be in touch with all members about some creative activities we can all get involved in while we’re staying at home.
You can still e-mail us at our normal e-mail address
We hope to keep in regular contact with our members during this difficult time.
We hope to re-open soon!
DIY ‘s activities will re-start when it is safe for people to meet in big groups again.