Join DIY for the Premier of our new film on July 17th

“I Wish Everything Was Back to Normal!”
DIY members have made a new film which will be Premiered on Friday July 17th. Working online with film maker Hilary Easter-Jones, different DIY members have recorded sections which are brought together in this film. The film gives members personal views of their experiences of Lockdown.
At 12.30pm on Friday 17th July DIY will be Premiering our new film “I Wish Everything Was Back to Normal: DIY’s View of Lockdown”
Please join us on YouTube for the Premier on Friday 17th July at 12.30pm.
We look forward to hearing your feedback and if you’ve got any questions please let us know – email:
Progress on Lockdown Song
In our News post in early June we reported how DIY were using Lockdown as the inspiration for song-writing and shared with you some of our work.
As part of our song-writing project with Sarah Atter we have now made another song called “We’re all in this Together”. Here are two of the verses – all about the things we’ve all been doing during Lockdown
I’m keeping busy
And trying to keep fit
I’m learning to dance and I’m running a bit
Watching some films
And playing LPs
We’re all in this together
I’m learning to cook
And I’m writing a play
I’m painting some rainbows for NHS staff
I’m doing some sewing
And colouring in
We’re all in this together