Let’s Celebrate UK Disability History Month 2020

To celebrate UK Disability History Month this year, DIY launches Free Following Patient 36 Resources.
– Go straight to the Following Patient 36 Resources page.
DIY created a Digital Story and now we launch our complimentary Resource Pack. This is intended to help schools, colleges and other organisations to celebrate / explore issues relating to Learning Disability History. We are launching these resources now to help celebrate UK Disability History Month (18th November – 18th December) and the International Day of People with Disabilities (3rd December 2020).
I really loved your Following Patient 36 online performance piece, found it really moving, powerful and educational. I’ve shared it with my university lecturer and the rest of my class as we are currently learning about marginalisation, identity, power and oppression”
Bea Anderson, October 2020
Our Following Patient 36 Digital Story has already received very positive reviews from people in a of range educational and non-educational settings. The resources are being trialled by Loretto High School and Manchester Hospital School during Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021. We look forward to working with other education partners in the near future. We are already getting some positive feedback.
“This performance, both live and digital, and its accompanying resources, would make an excellent additional focus that would complement learning in many areas of the secondary curriculum”
Richard Demby, Teacher, Manchester Hospital School
The Following Patient 36 Resources
We have pulled all our Following Patient 36 resources together onto a new page on our website. You can find this in the ‘How to Take Part’ section – or click here to visit the new Following Patient 36 Resources page.
The Pack uses the Digital Story to explore the important issues raised by DIY’s “Following Patient 36” performance. It explores Learning Disability History and the resilience of people with learning disabilities.
The materials have been designed to be as flexible and accessible as possible. The pack is broken down into four sections to allow learners to use the Digital Story in different ways. These are, through discussion, drama, creative writing and the visual arts. Some of the materials will be most appropriate for learners in mainstream settings and some will be more appropriate for specialist provision.
UK Disability History Month
United Kingdom Disability History Month (UKDHM) 2020 will take place from 18th November (with an online launch) until Friday 18th December 2020.
UKDHM is an annual event creating a platform to focus on the history of disabled peoples’ struggle for equality and human rights. This year’s theme is Access: How far have we come? How far have we to go?
Follow the link to find out more about UK Disability History Month https://ukdhm.org
International Day of People with Disabilities
International Day of People with Disabilities is held on 3rd December each year. It is a United Nations observed day celebrated internationally. It focuses on issues that affect disabled people worldwide. This year’s theme is “Not all Disabilities are Visible”.
Follow the link to find out more about International Day of People with Disabilities https://idpwd.org/about/
This work has been made possible with funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England.