DIY take over MIF’s ‘My Festival’!

Come and join us on Wednesday 10 February when DIY will take over of MIF’s ‘My Festival’!
Manchester International Festival (MIF) is the world’s first festival of original, new work and special events. Over the past 12 years, more than a million people have experienced MIF projects around the city and beyond. Created by leading international artists, often working in collaboration with local residents, MIF works have thrilled visitors, impressed critics and inspired people all over Greater Manchester.
During lockdown MIF have moved their ‘My Festival Socials’ online and have teamed up with DIY to offer ‘Let’s Connect’ their first free event of the year!
for our first digital get-together of the year, we’re thrilled to be teaming up with one of the city’s most inspiring arts organisations.
Let’s Connect
Wednesday 10 February, 6–7.30pm
Let’s Connect will be an evening of conversation, interaction and celebration – with films, chat, performances, participatory activities and much more. We’ll be exploring what DIY have been up to during lockdown and there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with DIY members and your fellow guests.
Everyone is welcome at this social, which takes place on Zoom.
[No longer available] Visit MIF’s website to book your free place.
This inclusive event will feature BSL interpretation and closed captions – and if you have additional access requirements, please get in with touch with the MIF team via email ( who will do their best to accommodate them.
We can’t wait to see you there!