Happy New Year 2022!

Here at DIY we are looking forward to 2022 with lots of new activities and projects!
Our Core Company will be starting back on Tuesday 18th January.
We will begin the New Year with a new project that builds on our successful Inside: Outside Research and Development Project from last year. We will be Looking Back: Facing Forward:
- Looking back – to explore the history of Peel Park as one of the first public parks.
- Facing forward – to explore how we can learn from the past to protect our green spaces for the future.
This project is supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund.
DIY BUDS will be starting back on Thursday 20th January.
During these challenging times we all want to start re-connecting with others in a safe, supportive space. This is why, BUDS will be starting a new project called Re: Connect that will be exploring friendship, community and environment. This will run throughout 2022 and is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund’s Awards for All.
For more information visit our Creative sessions for adults page
Our Friday Leadership Group is starting back on Friday 21st January.

Cathy talking about LEx Leadership for our new film.
Our Leaders are looking forward to completing and sharing the film about Lived Experience Leadership (LEx Leadership) that we have been working on with Hilary Easter-Jones. We will launch the film at a Sharing Event that will be the culmination of our successful Digital Leaders project, funded by National Lottery Community Fund’s Lived Experience Leaders Programme.
Visit our Leaders with Lived Experience page to find out more about LEx Leadership.
The Exploring LEx Leadership Sharing Event is scheduled for Friday 18th Feb. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you get updates straight to your inbox!
Passing the Baton is DIY’s dedicated youth arts programme that works with children and young people with learning disabilities.
Young Leaders Sessions will be starting back on Monday 17th January.
Young Leaders sessions are open to young people up to the age of 30. The group helps young people to support one another to develop their facilitation and leadership skills.
During the Spring we will continue to look at Lived Experience Leadership and will be helping to establish an exciting new Four by Eight Music Leadership project, funded by Youth Music.
Heads Up – there will be an Emerging Musicians Training Day to Launch the new Four by Eight Music Leadership project. This is planned for 18 March. Want to find out more about this free training and development opportunity? Then make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get more information straight to your inbox!
DIY’s Youth Drama Sessions will be starting back on Tuesday 18th January
Youth Drama sessions are fun, welcoming sessions, open to young people aged 10 – 24 years with learning disabilities. The sessions develop confidence and creative skills through drama, music and visual arts. This term we will be exploring the theme of “Environment” as part of our Looking Back: Facing Forward project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
DIY would like to thank the funders who are supporting this work:
• National Lottery Community Fund • National Lottery Heritage Fund • Youth Music, and the National Lottery via Arts Council England •