BUDS are Re: Connecting and exploring the themes of friendship, community and environment.

BUDS are Re: Connecting this spring!
This Spring DIY BUDS wanted to start re-connecting with each-other in person and in a safe, supportive space. This is why BUDS are working on a new project called ‘Re: Connect’, funded by the National Lottery Awards for All Programme.
During our Re: Connect drama sessions BUDS have been exploring the themes of Friendship, Community and the Environment.
The group has been meeting every Thursday afternoon at Langworthy Cornerstone. We have created puppets and scenery, made poems, sung and signed songs and created sensory journeys on the theme of nature using lots of different materials. We have also been creating a sensory drama piece about a central character Wooly who starts off feeling sad and lonely but makes friends and finds happiness through connecting with nature.
In our sessions we have created a magic tree with beautifully decorated branches and lovely flowers that grow beneath the tree. We have taken bird puppets to meet Woolly and make friends with him. We have created a flowing river full of fish and other creatures. But what happens when the evil woodcutter comes to chop down our tree…..
Through creating our story we are exploring the importance of nature and animals to all our lives. At DIY we are doing a lot of work about nature and the environment including our Looking Backward, Facing Forward Outdoor Arts project in Peel Park. When people feel connected to nature and spend time looking at and experiencing it, they are more likely to care about nature and to want to protect the environment more.
Some thoughts and feelings about nature and the environment from BUDS members:
Nature is important because it’s the environment – it’s all around us. We need to keep it clean and safe – to be able to look at and walk in it. And that’s for animals as well – animals live in the environment and plants and trees are important for animals as well. The environment’s the whole thing – the trees, the plants, the animals, the insects.
I think the message we are getting out is what animals can do and what nature and animals can do for people – like for Woolly who’s sad. Nature makes him happy. And that’s what nature does – when people feel sad or they feel lonely they can go out on a walk in nature. You can walk around and look at the plants and the animals and the insects. What I appreciate with nature is what you can see all around and what it makes you feel – the sights, the sounds, the smells. It’s important to keep the environment safe for everybody. If you keep it safe and clean it can do wonders for you.
I think it’s important to do a project about nature because it’s good for people to know about nature and just go out in nature. If you was cooped up in a room all day in a room with no windows, it’s not good for your mental health. Outside you can go out in the fresh air and you can see things and touch things which is a really good thing.”
I think it’s really important to do a play about it because it gives other people a chance to realize what nature is and go out and explore nature for yourself. If you get stressed or anxious or worried about anything go out in nature and relax and calm yourself down. You never know what a walk in nature can do. If we do DIY doing projects about nature is a good thing because it helps people understand what nature is.”
I think doing a performance about nature is really good because just by walking outside you can see nature and you can also breathe in nature. We need to make sure that we recycle and make sure we’re not throwing pollution into places where animals are. We should always look after animals and don’t hurt them.”
I like the flowers growing in Summer and smelling the flowers and going out in the Summer. It makes me feel happy. In winter I see pine cones and birds come out more in the Summer. We need to make sure the pollution doesn’t come into the water so we can make sure the water’s clean.”
Why not come and join in the creative fun! Find out more … Creative sessions for adults
Our thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund who have supported this work through their Awards for All Programme.