Circus Tricks Resources
Circus Tricks!
Animated Performance & Participatory Activity Pack
‘Circus Tricks’ is a Circus Inspired Music and Drama project created by DIY Theatre Company’s Young Leaders Group. It is aimed at children and young people with learning disabilities.
Originally, ‘Circus Tricks!’ was designed as a live, promenade piece of theatre that would tour to schools and youth organisations during Autumn 2020. During Lockdown, DIY’s Young Leaders continued to connect and stay creative via Zoom, telephone and postal packs. They have collaborated with professional musicians and animators to transform ‘Circus Tricks!’ into a series of Animated Videos and a supporting Participatory Activity Pack.
Circus Tricks can be enjoyed by individuals at home, or can be delivered within the classroom or other youth / arts settings.
How to enjoy ‘Circus Tricks!’:
- Download our Circus Tricks Activity Pack This is best seen with your PDF view set to ‘2 page view’ with ‘Show cover page selected’
- Visit DIY Theatre Company on YouTube you to find ‘Circus Tricks: Animated Series’ on YouTube
- Also on DIY Theatre Company YouTube area you to find the ‘Circus Tricks: Supporting Videos’
- And for even more activities and resources take a look at:
- Circus Tricks Joker Activity
- Circus Tricks Zine Making Guide
- Circus Tricks My Circus Character Activity
You can also find out more about the Artists and DIY Young Leaders who created Circus Tricks by downloading our Meet the Artist sheets:
- Meet DIY Actor Scott Lawrie, also known as Scott the Ringmaster
- Meet DIY Actor Amy Carter, also known as Lexi the Juggler
- Meet DIY Actor Adam Leech, also known as Tom the Tiger
- Meet DIY Actor Charlotte Little, also known as Jim the Joker
- Meet DIY Actor Mike Corfield, also known as Bob The Strong-Man
We hope you have fun, make some noise, and enjoy Circus Tricks!
Use ‘Circus Tricks!’ to support your Discover Arts Award Journey!
The Circus Tricks Resource provides a range of ways to participate in arts activities and find out about other artists and arts organisations. Therefore, organisations that currently offer the Discover and Explore Arts Award, can use ‘Circus Tricks’ to support learner’s Arts Award journey. Registered Arts Award Centre’s can print off and use this Discover Arts Award Assessment Sheet to track your learner’s journey.
DIY Theatre Company would like to thank the following organisations for their support for this work
- National Lottery Community Fund
- Youth Music, and the National Lottery via Arts Council England
- Salford CVS
- Salford CCG
- You Can Youth Club, our partner in delivery.